Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mary Kate

Hi there!  PJ and I thought it would be neat to start a blog for family and friends to read as our family grows.  It will make it easier to keep up with everyone we care about and not leave out any neat memories. It will also be neat for us to go back and read as a family one day!

We are so excited about our baby on the way!  We found out September 7th that our baby is a GIRL!  We also began dating 8 years ago on September 7th...making it even a more special day.

So happy to be sharing this special time with close family & friends.  We thank all of you for your support.  Brewer (our Yorkie) is happy too...just a little nervous as he is currently the only child.  We have caught him sleeping in the corner of the nursery.

We chose the name Mary Kate as we love double southern names and wanted one name to be "biblical" and we loved the name Kate....so Mary Kate seemed appropriate.  My first roommate in college was named Mary Kate and I adore her!  She is so sweet!

The nursery is almost complete as mostly everything is already ordered or made.  I have made many items to make it a more personalized nursery.  We have an off white/ivory color scheme.  It is "shabby chic."  I help friends decorate when they need help and my future goal is to be an interior designer - so with that being said; I want a super cute and chic nursery!

My brain is in baby mode.  It is all I can think about...day and night.  My brain is also a little fuzzy as I wore my shirt to church backwards on Sunday.  PJ looked down at me and started laughing as he saw the tag in the front.  Silly brain.

Salsa - of course!
Pickles - What pregnant lady doesn't crave pickles?
Banana peppers
Sour candy- especially "Watermelon"
Veggie sandwiches
French Fries
McDonald's hamburgers - but don't worry, I haven't ate one yet!

the cravings that have been officially ruled out:
Fried Green Tomatoes - never again haha - had way too many!
Bojangles - ate it twice in one day (I didn't tell PJ I ate it one day for lunch....and it ended up also being dinner when he brought it home)....I will now tell him when I am a bad sneaky person and indulge in not so healthy food!

I also eat many healthy foods as those are just my cravings.

We originally found out we were pregnant on June 13th after I returned home from a trip in Savannah, GA visiting my best friend Jo.  All weekend I had a feeling I was pregnant!  Mary Kate's due date is February 20, 2013!!  First trimester was a very tired and nauseous time but thankfully second trimester is amazing compared to the first!  I will be 18 weeks tomorrow!

PJ's dad came down to visit from Wisconsin for Labor Day weekend.  We had a great time!  We see my parents almost every week ... they aren't sick of me yet :)  PJ's mom sent some really great children's books...one being titled, "The Mary Kate Storybook."  How perfect.  She also mailed me PJ's baby book to look through, she was a very thoughtful mom and made the book so special.  I hope I can be a great mom like my mom and mother-in-law!

I think that about sums up the beginning of Mary Kate.  We will now keep you updated with pictures and fun times :)

The Connelly's